The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) provides information technology (IT) services and products that enable ICE and DHS to meet their respective missions. In order to meet these goals, the OCIO has developed a number of critical IT initiatives that will help ICE modernize its IT systems, adapt and conform to modern IT management disciplines, and provide IT solutions throughout ICE.
OCIO delivers innovative information technology and business solutions that enable ICE to protect and secure our nation.
Vision Statement
To be the premier IT organization in the federal government, recognized for how our people, processes and technologies create a secure and confident America.
Data Modernization Strategy
The ICE Data Modernization Strategy provides a framework to accelerate IT Data Modernization across the agency, increase transparency, and produce data-based tools and services while enhancing the quality, security, and integrity to further ICE as a data driven organization.
ICE Data Modernization Strategy FY2023-FY2026 ICE Data Modernization Strategy FY2023-FY2026 Executive Summary
Chief Information Officer

The Office of the CIO (OCIO) provides mission-critical Information Technology (IT) services and products that enable ICE and DHS to meet their respective missions. OCIO has modernized vital IT systems, matured the organization to contemporary IT management disciplines, and significantly enhanced the cyber defense posture of the enterprise.