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April 22, 2015Washington, DC, United StatesOperational

HSI Intelligence Operations specialist receives Intelligence Meritorious Service Award

On March 27, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Intelligence Operations Specialist Clemente Avery received the Meritorious Service to the Intelligence Community Award. He was awarded this prestigious honor by the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA).

As ICE’s Collection Manager Section Chief, Mr. Avery was honored as a result of his expert management and leadership of HSI’s Office of Intelligence’s requirements process. Under Mr. Avery’s leadership, a collaborative and inclusive workspace was created that excels in producing and managing national intelligence, demonstrating the best practices for the Department of Homeland Security Intelligence Enterprise (DHS IE). In one of his many accomplishments, in 2014, Mr. Avery led the efforts that led to the first use within DHS IE of a new, innovative strategy process used to address complex intelligence challenges faced by the DHS IE. In receiving this award, Avery becomes the first law enforcement agency employees to receive this honor from the AFCEA.

“When AFCEA International selected me as the winner of this award, I was speechless and I had to confirm with my supervisor that it was legitimate,” Avery recalled. “When he confirmed, with a big smile on my face, I told him that I guess hard work really pays off. I feel really blessed to be given the opportunity to excel and give back to my agency.”

Avery has more than 15 years of experience in intelligence. He has led HSI’s Intel Collection and Requirements Section since 2009.
