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March 12, 2014Washington, DC, United StatesChild Exploitation

Tijuana man arrested in Mexico for child pornography

WASHINGTON — A Mexican fitness instructor was arrested in Tijuana Monday on child pornography charges following a joint investigation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Attaché Mexico City, the Mexican Attorney General's Office, the Procuraduria General de la Republic (PGR) and the Fiscalia Especial Para Los Delitos de Violencia Contra Las Mujeres y Trata de Personas (FEVIMTRA).

Jesus Israel Perez Salgado, 38, was apprehended on a Mexican federal search warrant by PGR FEVIMTRA. HSI special agents in Mexico City obtained information about Salgado and provided it to PGR. Mexican authorities conducted forensics of Salgado's digital media at his residence and discovered child pornographic images where he was taken into custody.

Following an investigative lead from a U.S. based social media provider, HSI special agents in Mexico City determined an individual in Mexico received child pornographic images using social media accounts. Salgado enticed female minors to provide pornographic images of themselves which he later used to extort additional images.

Information provided by HSI Mexico City and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) enabled PGR FEVIMTRA to identify locations where Salgado was accessing the internet in Tijuana.

This investigation and arrest is part of the continued success between HSI Mexico City and the Mexican Government. Crimes against children are borderless crimes that require partnerships within the international community to combat the global problem of the exploitation of child exploitation.

The Mexican Federal Police division, Centro de Delitos Electronicos contra Menores (CENADEM), also assisted with this investigation.
