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Centers and Labs


Centers and Labs

Innovation, expertise & partnership form the foundation of the many Centers and Labs that HSI leads.

Primarily located in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, HSI directs multiple Centers and Labs that showcase HSI’s leadership and subject matter expertise in the fight to combat global crime.

HSI’s Centers are one-stop shops that bring together experts from across HSI and its key law enforcement, non-governmental, and private industry partners. They are each focused on a particular type of crime – ranging from financial and cybercrime, to human trafficking and export enforcement – and serve as hubs for operational and programmatic coordination. HSI’s Centers embrace and capitalize upon the unique knowledge, skills and capabilities of HSI and its partners. They integrate our legal authorities and expertise under one roof, facilitate collaboration, eliminate barriers, and focus our collective efforts on countering significant threats to our country and our people.

HSI’s Labs use the most cutting-edge technology and resources to support our investigations and our mission to shield the public from global crime. Innovation, expertise and creative problem solving drive the mission of our Labs and enable HSI to adapt and evolve our capabilities to combat dynamic threats to our safety and security.

  • Angel Watch Center

    Angel Watch Center

    The Angel Watch Center targets individuals who previously convicted of sexual crimes against a child and who may pose a potential new threat by traveling overseas to sexually abuse or exploit minors.

  • Center for Countering Human Trafficking

    Center for Countering Human Trafficking

    The CCHT is a collaborative effort countering human trafficking and the importation of goods produced with forced labor.

  • Cross-Border Financial Crime Center

    Cross-Border Financial Crime Center

    The CBFCC supports the prosecution, disruption, and dismantlement of transnational criminal organizations, strengthens the financial and financial technology industries against illicit activity and enhances communication between government and private sector partners.

  • Cyber Crimes Center

    Cyber Crimes Center

    Coordinates investigations of cyber-related criminal activity and provides forensic, intelligence and investigative support services across all HSI programmatic areas.

  • Export Enforcement Coordination Center

    Export Enforcement Coordination Center

    E2C2 is the federal government to coordinate and enhance export enforcement efforts.

  • Forensic Laboratory

    Forensic Laboratory

    HSI Forensic Laboratory provides document and latent print-related forensic, intelligence and investigative support services for HSI, DHS and many other U.S. and foreign law enforcement agencies.

  • Human Rights Violator and War Crimes Center

    Human Rights Violator and War Crimes Center

    The HRVWCC is the U.S. government's efforts to prevent the United States from becoming a safe haven for individuals who commit war crimes, genocide, torture and other human rights abuses around the globe.

  • Innovation Lab

    Innovation Lab

    The HSI Innovation Lab is the agency’s centralized hub for developing new, innovative solutions to meet the agency’s most pressing needs.

  • National Bulk Cash Smuggling Center

    National Bulk Cash Smuggling Center

    The BCSC provides real-time operational support to federal, state, local and international agencies involved in the enforcement and interdiction of bulk value and illicit proceeds moved throughout the country and across international borders.

  • National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center

    National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center

    The IPR Center is the U.S. government's response to stop global intellectual property theft and enforce trade laws.
