The OPLA Chief of Staff (COS) oversees four key units that providing strategic, administrative and technical support and coordination for OPLA.
Executive Communications Unit (ECU)
As the “nerve center” for OPLA’s mission critical communications, ECU attorneys are responsible for coordinating requests for legal review and any information related to ICE operations involving immigration processes, enforcement, acquisitions, labor and employment, Freedom of Information Act, Presidential transition taskings, customs authorities, and information disclosure issues. ECU receives these requests from DHS and other ICE offices, including the Director’s Office of the Executive Secretariat, DHS Headquarters, the Office of Congressional Relations, and other DHS components.
Knowledge Management Division (KMD)
The mission of KMD is to create an innovative environment for creating, capturing, storing, sharing, and disseminating knowledge while assisting OPLA in informed decision-making and increasing effectiveness through knowledge management. KMD oversees four major areas: 1) systems management, including of OPLA’s case management and electronic discovery systems; 2) statistical analysis and reporting; 3) asset management for OPLA Headquarters; and 4) library services, including online research.
Mission Support Division (MSD)
The MSD team of support professionals delivers comprehensive, nationwide administrative services to advance OPLA’s operational mission. MSD coordinates budget formulation and budget execution for OPLA, which employs more than 2,000 attorneys and support staff. It also procures goods and services, processes vendor and employee payments, and supports official travel. It manages OPLA’s hiring and oversees employee performance management. It is also responsible for tracking OPLA’s facility needs and its government property.
Strategic Management Division (SMD)
SMD creates and implements OPLA’s Strategic Plan. Among other initiatives, SMD is responsible for OPLA’s workload staffing model, mentorship programs, and enterprise-wide OPLA training. SMD oversees the delivery of training by OPLA at FLETC in both Brunswick, GA and Charleston, SC.