Office of Professional Responsibility
The ICE Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) upholds the agency’s professional standards through a multi-disciplinary approach of security, inspections and investigations to promote organizational health, integrity, and accountability across the agency. OPR promotes organizational integrity by vigilantly managing ICE’s security programs, conducting independent reviews of ICE programs and operations, and impartially investigating allegations of employee and contractor misconduct.
To promote integrity, mitigate risk and uphold the agency’s professional standards, the OPR-led Integrity Coordination Center receives and assesses information it receives and refers any allegations of employee misconduct to appropriate offices for investigation, if necessary. This process ensures that allegations of criminal or administrative misconduct against ICE personnel are properly assessed and thoroughly investigated. OPR’s role permits the agency to focus on its larger mission of promoting homeland security and public safety.
Points of Contact
- Report Misconduct
Call OPR at 833-4ICE-OPR (833-442-3677)
Email ICEOPRIntake@ice.dhs.gov
Use the "File a Complaint" link
Call DHS Office of Inspector General at 800-323-8603 - Giglio/Henthorn Checks
Email ICE-OPR-GIGLIO@ice.dhs.gov
ICE Security
- Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act (LEOSA)
Email ICELEOSA@ice.dhs.gov - ICE OPR Badge and Credential Program
- Report Misconduct

OPR’s Investigations program office manages and investigates allegations of employee misconduct and oversees a variety of other integrity programs that protect the public trust and preserve the highest standards of integrity and accountability across the agency.
OPR works with internal and external partners, programs and offices to ensure allegations of misconduct are addressed appropriately, fairly and expeditiously. It also conducts reviews of all critical incidents at ICE. These independent fact-finding reviews document the events that transpire during critical incidents and are presented to the ICE Firearms and Use of Force Incident Review Committee for action.
OPR’s field offices, which are geographically located to best serve the agency’s footprint, investigate matters rising to the level of criminal and serious administrative misconduct. OPR refers less-serious misconduct to relevant ICE directorates via the Management Inquiry program or to an ICE manager for resolution.
OPR manages a variety of programs throughout ICE that promote organizational health and accountability, including:
- Prison Rape Elimination Act program. This program coordinates with agency offices, programs and other investigative entities to ensure sexual assault-related allegations involving individuals in ICE custody are appropriately addressed.
- Giglio/Henthorn program. This program responds to impeachment requests from the U.S. Department of Justice related to ICE employees who may serve as government witnesses or affiants in federal criminal proceedings.

ICE Inspections
OPR’s Inspections program office inspects, audits and reviews ICE directorates and programs to assess compliance with federal laws, applicable policies and procedures, and the agency’s detention standards. This internal oversight provides ICE executive management with an independent and objective review of the performance and organizational health of ICE offices and programs.
OPR inspects ICE detention facilities to ensure they comply with ICE national detention standards. This includes reviewing agency compliance with applicable national detention standards, reviewing the circumstances surrounding in-custody deaths of aliens in ICE custody, and overseeing ICE’s portion of the DHS Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) audit program. These inspections are used to protect the health, safety, and well-being of all aliens in ICE custody. Its duties include:
- Biannual inspections. Congress mandates two annual inspections of each facility housing 10 or more alien detainees for more than 72 hours.
- Special reviews. OPR conducts one annual inspection of each facility housing between one and nine alien detainees for more than 72 hours or one or more alien detainees for less than 72 hours.
- Detainee death reviews. OPR conducts independent, objective examinations of the facts surrounding the detention and death of an individual in ICE custody to determine whether the agency complied with the applicable detention standards concerning the individual’s health, safety and security.
- Prison Rape Elimination Act audits. OPR manages the DHS Prison Rape Elimination Act audit contract and oversees the audits of the ICE long-term and short-term/overnight detention facilities’ related standards.
OPR inspects ICE directorates, programs and field offices to verify and ensure compliance with established federal, department, agency or program-specific policies and procedures. These inspections highlight for ICE leadership any areas needing attention, resources or improvement. Its duties include:
- Financial audits. OPR conducts biennial financial audits of agency Certified Undercover Operations to ensure undercover financial activities are properly accounted for in accordance with law and agency policy.
- 287(g) inspections. OPR conducts biennial inspections of each 287(g) program to ensure the effectiveness of the program and compliance with the agency’s requirements.
- Self-inspection. OPR assists agency field offices and headquarters programs with assessing their own compliance with agency and department policies and procedures.
- Field inspections. OPR conducts independent, on-site inspections and focus reviews of domestic and international ICE field offices and headquarters programs to assess their compliance with agency and department policies and procedures.

ICE Security
OPR's Security program office promotes agency health through mitigation of risk by safeguarding people, information and facilities through comprehensive and integrated programs encompassing threat management, as well as personnel, physical, information and administrative security.
OPR manages background investigations for ICE applicants, employees and contractors by determining suitability, fitness and classified national security information (CNSI) eligibility. It also ensures existing employees and contractors continuously meet these standards by conducting periodic reinvestigations and administering the agency’s continuous evaluation-continuous vetting program. It also administers pre-employment polygraph screenings for law enforcement applicants.
OPR protects the agency by detecting, preventing, mitigating and investigating internal and external threats against the agency, ICE senior leaders and ICE headquarters facilities by managing the ICE Insider Threat Program and counterintelligence functions involving ICE personnel. It also monitors threat levels at ICE headquarters and National Capital Region offices and facilities while ensuring the adequacy of protective measures and compliance with Interagency Security Committee standards at all facilities across the United States and U.S. territories. It’s responsible for identity and access management services, including administration of personal identity verification cards, physical access controls, and the ICE badge and credential program.
OPR also manages the lifecycle and activities of the agency’s CNSI spaces, including Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities and the Homeland Security Data Network. It also promotes policies to mitigate and safeguard against the loss of all classes of sensitive national security information while providing national security secure communication devices to enable ICE to focus on advancing the mission.
OPR Associate Director