Physical Fitness Test
During the hiring process, applicants are required to pass a pre-employment Physical Fitness Test (PFT) before entering on duty and attending the HSI Academy. All Special Agent trainees are again required to take and pass the PFT upon entering the HSI Academy in order to graduate.
HSI law enforcement fitness standards applied during selection and training are job-related and designed to predict an applicant’s ability to meet academy physical requirements and minimum physical job requirements.
The fitness standards ensure we are hiring candidates who can meet the physical demands of the work we do.
PFT Requirements and Standards
The PFT is a fitness test consisting of 4 timed events. Selectees must complete the following events based on strict protocols:
- Sit ups: 32 sit-ups in 1 minute or less
- Push Ups: 22 push-ups in 1 minute or less
- Sprint: 220-yard sprint in 47.73 seconds or less
- Run: 1.5-mile run in 14 minutes 25 seconds or less
Selectees must meet or exceed each event's minimum standards.
These events assess muscular strength and endurance, anaerobic and aerobic power and cardiovascular endurance. Events must be performed correctly and in sequence with no more than five minutes between exercises.
Required Documentation
Selectees must bring the following to the PFT testing site:
- HSI Pre-Employment Physical Fitness Test Consent form
- Pre-Employment Physical Fitness Test Self-Assessment form
- Medical release document filled out by a physician
- Photo identification (e.g., driver's license, passport)
If a selectee fails to bring the above documentation to the testing site, they will not be allowed to take the PFT and will be scored as having failed the PFT.
The PFT is administered at a local HSI field office.