Welcome to the Cash Electronic Bonds (CeBonds) webpage. Here you can:
- Verify bond information
- Post bonds for eligible detained aliens
- Receive electronic notifications
Frequently Asked Questions
CeBONDS is a web-based system that provides the public with an automated, Okta secured, online capability to make online requests to verify bond information, post cash immigration bonds for detained aliens, and enables ICE to send electronic notifications to cash bond obligors.
CeBONDS is only available for users within the United States. U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, law firms, and non-profit organizations can use CeBONDS to post a delivery bond, voluntary departure bond, or order of supervision bond. Aliens can also post a Voluntary Departure bond or Order of Supervision bond on their own behalf.
Register for a secure CeBONDS account by selecting “Click Here to Post a Bond” and complete the subsequent prompts.
An obligor is the entity or individual who posts a bond as security for performance and fulfillment of the bonded alien’s obligations to the government. By paying a alien's bond, the obligor guarantees the performance of the conditions of the bond.
An obligor must provide at least one (1) document to ICE from an applicable category below:
US Citizen
- U.S. Passport
- U.S. Birth Certificate
- U.S. Citizen Born Abroad Document
- USCIS Naturalization Certificate
- State-issued Driver’s License (only REAL ID Card)
- State-issued ID Card (only REAL ID Card)
- Military Identification Card
Legal Permanent Resident (LPR)
- Permanent Resident Card (commonly known as a “Green Card”)
- Military Identification Card
Non-Profit Organization
- IRS Letter 947 – (Letter of Determination)
- SS4 IRS Notification Letter (Employer identification number [EIN] approval letter)
- Letter of authorization from the non-profit for representative/obligor posting the bond
- Representative’s identification
Law Firms
- SS4 IRS Notification Letter (Employer identification number [EIN] approval letter)
- Letter of authorization from the law firm for representative/obligor posting the bond
- Representative’s identification
Alien Posting a Voluntary Departure (VD) or Order of Supervision Bond
- Form I-862, Notice to Appear
- VD Order (for VD Bond)
- IJ Order (for Order of Supervision Bond)
- Form I-220B (Order of Supervision)
- Form I-765 - Employment Authorization Document (EAD)
Bond payments must be made via Fedwire or Automated Clearing House (ACH) to post an immigration bond.
- Fedwire – a high speed, real time, electronic funds transfer system operated by the Federal Reserve Bank.
- ACH – an electronic network of financial institutions that facilitate the transfer of money from one bank account to another.
CeBONDS was designed using a responsive web design approach. This means that CeBONDS can be used on your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
ERO will continue to work with obligors who walk into an ICE office to ensure bonds are getting posted as expeditiously as possible. However, even obligors who post bonds at an ICE office must have access to banking/financial services to post bonds on behalf of aliens.
Obligors without access to banking services may use an immigration bond company to post a bond (Surety Bonds - List of Certified Companies (treasury.gov)) or work with community-based organizations across the country that assist with immigration bonds.
The bond verification process, including the review of the bond contract and payment, will typically take approximately 1-2 hours depending on factors including, but not limited to, staffing, operational resources, and case-specific circumstances. Processing will take place during bond posting hours. Bond posting hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. (excluding government holidays) in the time zone where the alien is detained. Requests received after bond posting office hours or not completed during bond posting hours will be processed the next business day.
Aliens will typically be released by the end of the day after the bond is approved and the Form I-352 bond contract is signed. However, once a detention facility receives notification that a bond has been posted, detention facility processing times for release may vary and are contingent upon factors including, but not limited to, staffing, operational resources, and case-specific circumstances.
Bond posting hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. (excluding government holidays). Bond posting hours are applied in the time zone where the alien is detained.
Currently the CeBONDS landing page is available in English and Spanish. From the Spanish landing page, obligors are able to select from a drop-down menu in the web browser which allows them to choose their preferred language to view the landing page.
Consistent with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Department of Homeland Security Directives, CeBONDS was designed to be section 508 compliant. If the format of any material on our website or system interferes with your ability to access the information due to an issue with accessibility caused by a disability as defined in the Rehabilitation Act, please contact the ICE Section 508 Coordinator for assistance.
Prior to the deployment of CeBONDS, the Bond Management Information System/Web Version (BMIS Web) and Bonds Online System (eBONDS) Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) were updated to assess the privacy risks associated with this program and to document ICE’s privacy protections for the collection and maintenance of information on detained aliens and obligors involved in the processing and posting of immigration bonds. Additionally, due to the expansion of online bond posting capabilities, ICE initiated the Bonds Management Program PIA in January 2023.
Ensure the alien’s name and alien number have been entered correctly. If the information is correct, then contact the nearest ICE Field Office for assistance.
On April 20, 2023, ICE began using CeBONDS to process bond payments and execute ICE Form I-352, Immigration Bond. ICE intends to largely transition to an electronic environment for the posting of immigration bonds. Since there may be operational exceptions to this requirement, we will continue to work with obligors on a case-by-case basis who want to pay bonds in person at an ICE office. In these instances, contact the nearest ICE Field Office for guidance.
Send an email to the CeBONDS helpdesk at ICECeBONDs-Helpdesk@ice.dhs.gov or contact the nearest ICE Field Office.
Log into your CeBONDS account and follow the link on your home page. Here you can view and acknowledge notices (documents) in reference to your bond.
ICE Form I-333 – Obligor Change of Address is submitted by bond obligors who need to inform ICE of a new mailing address. This Form may be presented in person and upon presentation a signed copy will be returned to you indication receipt of the change of address. However, you may mail this form to the Enforcement and Removal office in which you posted your bond. www.ice.gov/contact/ero/
If your bond is still open, contact the nearest ICE Field Office.
If you have received notification that your bond was cancelled or breached, contact Financial Service Center Burlington at BondRefund.HelpDesk@ice.dhs.gov or Phone: 877-491-6521 Option 1 with question about you bond refund.
Hours of Operations
Bond posting hours are 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. in the time zone where the alien is detained.
Immigration Bond Fact Sheet
The following provides general information to prospective obligors about immigration bonds accepted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). This information is intended as background information about immigration bonds. Before posting a bond, an obligor should thoroughly review the terms of the Bond Agreement (Form I-352), which is the only document that provides the terms and conditions of the agreement. This Fact Sheet is not intended to supplement, contradict, or modify any of the terms of the Bond Agreement. This Fact Sheet does not create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by a party against ICE or any agency of the Federal Government. Any failure of ICE to comply with any provisions in this document shall not be available to any person or entity as a defense, except as otherwise required by law.
An immigration bond is a guaranty by the person who posts the bond (the obligor) that the alien will fulfill the alien’s obligations to the government.
The amount required for an immigration bond is set by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) or the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR), which is part of the Department of Justice. A cash bond obligor must deposit the full amount of the bond at the time the obligor posts the bond with ICE.
The bond obligor is required to fulfill the terms and conditions on the Bond Agreement (Form I-352). The Bond Agreement is a contract between the obligor and ICE. The terms and conditions depend on the type of bond that the obligor posts:
- Delivery bond: The obligor is required to have the alien report to the location at the date and time specified by ICE each time that ICE issues a Notice to Obligor to Deliver Alien (Form I-340).
- Voluntary departure bond: The obligor is required to provide proof to ICE that the alien has complied with the obligation to voluntarily depart the United States on or before the voluntary departure date. The obligor must provide proof of departure within 30 days of the voluntary departure date.
- Order of supervision bond: The obligor is required to ensure that the alien complies with all the terms of the Order of Supervision (Form I-220B) that ICE issues to the alien.
If ICE determines that the obligor has failed to substantially perform the terms and conditions of the bond, it will notify the obligor that the obligor has breached the bond. ICE makes this notification using Notice – Immigration Bond Breached (Form I-323). To avoid a potential breach, an obligor should follow the terms and conditions of a bond carefully. For example, with a delivery bond, even if an alien shows up at the ICE office location one day late, depending on the circumstances, ICE could still determine that the obligor failed to substantially perform the obligor’s obligations under the bond contract. When a bond is breached, the obligor forfeits the bond deposit to the government. However, when an obligor breaches a cash bond ICE will still refund to the obligor the interest that has accrued on the cash deposit.
An immigration bond remains in effect until ICE issues a Notice – Immigration Bond Cancelled (Form I-391).
ICE will issue a cancellation notice on a delivery bond if any of the following occur before a bond breach:
- ICE takes the alien back into its custody
- ICE removes the alien from the United States
- The alien dies
ICE will issue a cancellation notice on a voluntary departure bond if:
- EOIR grants the alien voluntary departure and the obligor provides proof that the alien timely departed as required
- The alien dies before the voluntary departure date
ICE will issue a cancellation notice on an Order of Supervision bond if:
- The alien complies with all terms of the Order of Supervision while it remains in effect.
Video: Learn to use CEBonds
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