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Enforcement and Removal Operations


Enforcement and Removal Operations

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations’ (ERO) mission is to protect the homeland through the arrest and removal of those who undermine the safety of our communities and the integrity of our immigration laws.
Enforcement and Removal Operations

As part of its critical mission, ERO manages all aspects of the immigration enforcement process, including the identification, arrest, detention and removal of aliens who are subject to removal or are unlawfully present in the U.S.

Enforcement and Removal Operations ICE Officer taking fingerprints IHSC personnel evaluating person
Contact ICE about an immigration/detention case

Contact ICE about an immigration/detention case

Toll-free number to communicate with ICE ERO
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DHS Immigration Data & Statistics

DHS Immigration Data & Statistics

Key datasets and resources

Fact Sheet: A Day in the Life of ERO

Fact Sheet

A Day in the Life of ERO

Divisions and Field Offices

To accomplish its mission, ERO is organized into several divisions:

Custody Management

The Custody Management Division provides policy and oversight of those in ICE custody and manages ICE detention operations:

  • Custody Programs develops and promotes best practices in civil detention and enforcement initiatives by providing policy support, facilitating the implementation of applicable ICE directives, and expanding ERO’s capacity to manage special populations.
  • Detention Management coordinates with the 25 ERO field offices to ensure a safe and secure environment for aliens in ICE custody through facility compliance, on-site monitoring, and the acquisition of detention facilities.


The Enforcement Division manages the enforcement initiatives and components through which ERO identifies and arrests aliens subject to removal from the U.S.:

  • The Criminal Alien Program performs strategic planning and establishes policies designed to enhance ICE’s ability to arrest and remove aliens from the United States.
  • Fugitive Operations facilitates logistical and operational support to 25 ERO field offices by developing, implementing, and overseeing plans and policies in support of the overall National Fugitive Operations Program mission.
  • Targeting Operations comprises three support centers, Law Enforcement Support Center (LESC), the National Criminal Analysis and Targeting Center (NCATC), and the Pacific Enforcement Response Center (PERC). These centers apply technical capabilities, analytical tools, and law enforcement expertise to generate intelligence-driven leads on aliens subject to removal.

Field Operations

At ERO Headquarters (HQ), the Field Operations Division provides guidance to and coordination among ICE ERO’s 25 field offices across the nation:

  • Domestic Operations oversees, directs and coordinates all ERO Field Operations activities throughout the nation's field offices and sub-offices.
  • Special Operations oversees and coordinates ERO’s intelligence collection efforts, firearms training and protective equipment procurement, various tactical programs, and communications efforts. The division also oversees ERO operations that support the prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery plans for critical and significant incidents such as terrorist attacks, natural disasters, or other national emergencies or incidents.

ICE Health Service Corps

The ICE Health Service Corps (IHSC) administers a detention health system that provides direct healthcare in ICE-owned facilities; oversees compliance with healthcare-related detention standards in contracted facilities; reimburses for off-site healthcare services that detained aliens receive; and supports special operations missions. IHSC also oversees non-IHSC facilities’ compliance with national detention standards and the coordination of off-site care through medical referrals.

What We Do: ICE Health Service Corps

Law Enforcement Systems and Analysis

ERO’s Law Enforcement Systems and Analysis Division is responsible for helping inform the development of ERO strategies and supporting continuous enhancement of ERO business processes to execute those strategies. Through data collection, analysis and technology and process improvements, LESA delivers tools, studies and recommendations that assist ICE’s decision-making and planning. LESA studies ICE’s operations and resources — personnel, processes, technology and infrastructure — to find areas for continuous improvement.

Non-Detained Management

The Non-Detained Management Division provides guidance, coordination and operational direction to ERO’s 25 field offices regarding managing ICE’s non-detained docket, including the alternatives to detention (ATD) program, bond management, and juvenile and family residential matters.

Operations Support

Operations Support coordinates ERO requirements to provide the resources and support infrastructure necessary to ensure the efficient execution of ERO’s mission. The division’s responsibilities include the management of budget formulation and execution, finance, facilities construction and leasing, fleet and personal property, training, human capital, purchase card support, and compliance and oversight support.


The Removal Division coordinates, manages and facilitates efforts to successfully remove aliens from the United States. In collaboration with other ICE program offices and the Department of State, ERO also works with international partners to successfully execute removal operations:

  • ICE Air Operations provides commercial and chartered aviation support, both domestically and internationally, to all 25 ERO field offices throughout the United States. It also provides air transportation to transfer aliens to designated detention locations and/or to staging sites to accomplish removal flights to aliens’ countries of origin.
  • Removal Management coordinates the removals of aliens with ERO’s 25 field offices nationwide. This unit develops and implements strategies to remove aliens from the United States who are subject to removal by collaborating within the agency and with interagency stakeholders, foreign embassies and consulates, and international partners.
  • International Operations comprises ERO’s personnel based overseas and supports the 25 ERO field offices through regular and ongoing liaison with host-nation government officials in the coordination of removal operations.

What We Do: Removal

ERO Most Wanted

ERO Most Wanted

Contact your local ICE office with any information

FAQs Protected Areas and Courthouse Arrests


Protected Areas and Courthouse Arrests

ERO Executive Associate Director

Acting Executive Associate Director, Enforcement and Removal Operations
Kenneth Genalo is the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Acting Executive Associate Director. In this role, Mr. Genalo leads ERO in its mission to protect the homeland through the arrest and removal of aliens who undermine the safety of our communities and the integrity of our immigration laws.