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September 25, 2014San Juan, PR, United StatesWorksite Enforcement

25 Puerto Rico companies become 'IMAGE certified'

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Twenty-five businesses representing the automotive, retail, healthcare, restaurant, security, agriculture, food, banking and telecommunications industries became the latest employers to partner with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) to strengthen their hiring practices, reduce fraud and ensure they employ a legal workforce.

The 25 companies officially became members of ICE's Mutual Agreement between Government and Employers (IMAGE) Thursday during the largest IMAGE signing ceremony since inception of the program. IMAGE is a voluntary program that allows private sector businesses to partner with ICE to reduce unauthorized employment and the use of fraudulent identity documents. As a result, a participating employer is able to maintain a more secure, stable workforce.

"I am pleased to welcome these companies as IMAGE partners," said Angel M. Melendez, special agent in charge of HSI San Juan who has been working closely with company officials in the IMAGE participation process. "This action sends a strong message to the thousands or Puerto Ricans who do business with these companies that the company places a priority on hiring and employing a legal workforce. Our IMAGE partnerships enable us to recognize the highest level of employment integrity and foster best hiring practices. When employers make a commitment to hire and maintain a lawful workforce, it's good for their business and it's good for the community. In tough economic times, companies like these, who join IMAGE have made a commitment to protecting our nation's lawful workforce."

Undocumented workers create vulnerabilities in today's marketplace by presenting false documents to gain employment, completing applications for fraudulent benefits and stealing identities of legal U.S. workers. To combat this, ICE initiated the IMAGE program in 2006.

The following companies became the latest IMAGE partners:

  • Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Saulo Rodriguez
  • Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Naguabeña
  • One Corps Inc.
  • Toyota de Puerto Rico Corp.
  • B-Club Inc.
  • The Good Business Corp.
  • Club Babylon Inc.
  • Di Vino Wine & Tapas Inc.
  • Restaurant Acquisition LLC
  • The Rose Club Corp.
  • Eternal Lobby Lounge Inc.
  • Autogermana Inc.
  • Mitsubishi Motors Sales of Caribbean Inc.
  • Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Hatillo
  • JMB Food Inc.
  • Municipio de Cidra
  • Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito del Colegio de Ingenieros y Agrimensores de Puerto Rico
  • Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito de Aguada
  • Â Multi Coop del Oeste
  • Cooperativa Ahorro y Crédito Oriental
  • Cooperativa Centro Gubernamental Minillas
  • Banco Cooperativo de Puerto Rico
  • American Lawn Maintenance
  • Empresas de Gas Inc.
  • Tecno Gas Inc.

As part of the IMAGE program, ICE provides private companies with education and training on proper hiring procedures, including use of employment screening tools such as E-Verify. IMAGE certified companies also undergo an audit of their I-9 forms to ensure current employees are eligible to work in the United States.

Puerto Rico employers interested in learning more about IMAGE membership may call the ICE IMAGE coordinator in San Juan at 787-729-5151 or visit
