Toll Free Hotline
1-855-48-VOICE (1-855-488-6423)
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) established the Victims Of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office to acknowledge and serve the needs of victims and families who have been affected by crimes committed by individuals with a nexus to immigration violations. The VOICE Office serves as a comprehensive support system that provides assistance and resources to individuals victimized by criminal illegal aliens. The VOICE Office is not a tip line, but ICE will accept tips related to immigration and criminal violations, here.
The VOICE Office focuses on three objectives
- Using a victim-centered approach to acknowledge and support immigration crime victims and their families.
- Promoting awareness of services available to immigration crime victims.
- Building collaborative partnerships with community stakeholders assisting immigration crime victims.
Services Provided
The VOICE Office helps victims of crime and families impacted by crimes committed by illegal aliens by:
- Sharing local contacts to help with unique victim requests for resources and referrals.
- Explaining to victims what information is available and helping victims understand the immigration enforcement and removal process.
- Providing access to social service professionals who can refer victims to resources and service providers.
- Helping victims sign up to receive automated custody status information on criminal aliens in ICE custody. The DHS Victim Information and Notification Exchange (DHS-VINE) is an automated service that helps victims track criminal aliens’ custody status.
- Providing additional criminal or immigration history about illegal aliens to victims or their families when possible. In some instances, case information may be protected from disclosure by law or policy.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the ICE VOICE Office?
The Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office was established in 2017 to fulfill President Trump’s commitment to help people affected by criminal activity perpetrated by criminal aliens. The VOICE will continue to focus and advance its mission to support and assist victims and families impacted by criminal aliens and illegal immigration crime.
Who is considered a victim of immigration crime?
Any person who is affected by criminal activity allegedly perpetrated by criminal aliens in the United States. Information will be provided to victims, witnesses, any individual with a legal responsibility to act on behalf of a victim or witness (e.g., attorneys, parents, legal guardians, etc.), and individuals acting at the request of a victim or witness.
How do I report criminal activity by illegal aliens?
Regardless of the identity of the perpetrator, all criminal activity should be reported to local law enforcement.
Individuals across the world can report suspicious criminal activity to the ICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Tip Line 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Highly trained specialists take reports from both the public and law enforcement agencies. Call 866-DHS-2-ICE (866-347-2423) (from U.S. and Canada). TTY for hearing impaired only: || TTY para personas con discapacidad auditiva solamente: (802) 872-6196 Call 802-872-6199 (from other locations around the globe).
Criminal activity may also be reported via an online form.
What services are available to me as a victim through VOICE?
VOICE will afford victims and their loved ones a single point of contact to obtain releasable information regarding criminal aliens in ICE custody. It includes registration to receive automated custody status information through the DHS-VINE Notification Exchange (DHS-VINE) system, getting additional releasable case history about the perpetrator, referrals to federal, state, and local resources and victim services, the opportunity to provide a victim impact statement in applicable cases, and, as needed, having an ICE representative explain the immigration enforcement and removal process.
What is DHS VINE? How does it work?
The Victim Information and Notification Exchange (VINE) is a system used throughout the nation to automatically notify certain individuals about changes to custody status and other information. Individuals eligible to receive custody status notifications are victims and witnesses associated with criminal aliens charged or convicted of a crime, victim advocates, who are individuals with a legal responsibility to act on behalf of a victim or witness (e.g., attorneys, parents, legal guardians), and individuals acting at the request of a victim or witness.
Specifically, DHS’ VINE system (DHS-VINE) will allow registrants to directly register for custodial status notifications via a Web interface. It will also transfer eligible registrant data from state VINE databases to ensure those individuals who registered with state VINE continue to receive custody status updates once a criminal alien is transferred from state to ICE custody. State VINE databases are automated notification systems that provide victims and their families with up-to-date offender information such as custody status changes and criminal case information.
DHS-VINE will automatically notify eligible registrants by phone, text message, and/or email of changes to a criminal alien’s custody status with ICE once the criminal alien has been taken into ICE custody. These notifications will indicate that the individual has either been booked into ICE custody or out of ICE custody (specifying whether the individual was released from custody or removed from the United States). The solution is offered free of charge to registrants, is anonymous, available 24/7/365 and features multiple language support functions. The solution provides users with the information they need to feel secure and enables governing staff to focus on their core responsibilities creating a greater, more efficient system.
Why was I told no information was available on the perpetrator?
DHS-VINE provides information regarding criminal aliens who are currently in custody or who may have been recently released from custody. If for any reason you do not find the person for whom you search, please call the VOICE hotline toll-free at 1-855-48-VOICE (1-855-488-6423) or individuals may also check the custody status of an individual via the Online Detainee Locator System (ODLS) on the ICE website. Please note that due to privacy laws and policy there are instances where information about an alien may not be disclosed.
Do I need to register as a victim to receive information through VOICE?
Yes. To receive assistance, a caller must attest to being a victim of crime, a family member of the victim, or a representative of the victim. Registration with the VOICE Office is simple and may be done anonymously. By registering with the DHS-VINE, ICE will make every effort to keep victims and witnesses advised of the release status of the offender. Registered victims and witnesses will be automatically advised when the criminal alien is released from custody or removed.
Can I find out where a criminal alien is being held?
Yes. The VOICE Office can provide registered victims and witnesses with detainee location data through ICE Enforcement and Removal Operation’s (ERO) Online Detainee Locator System (ODLS). Victims may also access the link directly on the front page of ICE.gov by clicking here.
How are immigration cases tracked? What is an “A-Number and is it necessary for me to provide it to the VOICE operator?
Within the ICE tracking system, an A-Number (short for Alien Registration Number) is used to track immigration cases. The A-Number is the nine-digit identifying number that is assigned to a person during immigration benefits or enforcement proceedings. The A-Number can be found in the top right corner of the Notice to Appear (NTA), Form I-862. Individuals may also obtain information about a case before the immigration courts by contacting the Department of Justice’s Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) automated case information line at 1-800-898-7180. Providing the Name, Country of birth, and the A-Number of the criminal alien you are contacting the VOICE Office about will assist us in promptly locating available information and records.
If I call the VOICE Office, what services or resources will I receive?
ICE has established a toll-free hotline 1-855-48-VOICE (1-855-488-6423) staffed with operators who can guide victims to information or contacts they need as well as assistance signing up to receive automated custody status information about a criminal alien in custody. The VOICE Office can direct victims/families to the DHS Victim Information Notification Exchange (DHS-VINE) system for notification of custody changes throughout the course of the individual’s criminal and/or immigration case. Our Victim Liaison can assist callers to connect with information about a criminal alien and can identify and refer callers to appropriate federal, state, or local resources and services.
Will this office assist illegal aliens who request help?
The VOICE Office provides releasable information to all victims of crime with a nexus to immigration, regardless of the immigration status of the victim.
How do ICE’s community relations officers support the VOICE Office?
ICE’s community relations officers were hired specifically for their skills and experience working with community stakeholders. VOICE is one part of their duties that also include liaising with members of the public, law enforcement, local government and other stakeholders interested in ICE activities. Community relations officers assist in case management supporting request for case information received from VOICE callers and will promote the VOICE office as part of their standard outreach with community stakeholders including victims of crime, their families, victim advocates, and law enforcement.