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Date | Title |
December 12, 2019 | ICE HSI joins Kansas City strike force targeting drugs, violence |
December 12, 2019 | Twice removed Salvadoran national sentenced to 30 months in federal custody |
December 11, 2019 | Buyers Beware! ICE HSI and CBP in Boston warn consumers about counterfeit goods during holiday shopping season |
December 11, 2019 | ICE details how border crisis impacted immigration enforcement in FY 2019 |
December 10, 2019 | ICE honors Human Rights Day |
December 10, 2019 | Previously convicted Kansas sex offender pleads guilty to sexually exploiting children |
December 10, 2019 | California man sentenced in Iowa to 30 years for child exploitation |
December 9, 2019 | ICE HSI Charlotte nets 125 human trafficking arrests in FY 2019 |
December 9, 2019 | US, ICE seek to denaturalize former Mexican Olympian, coach charged with sexually abusing child athletes |
December 6, 2019 | ICE HSI Newark increases arrests for child exploitation while participating in Angel Watch Program |
In an effort to keep ICE.gov current, the archive contains content from a previous administration or is otherwise outdated. This information is archived and not reflective of current practice.