Attorney Information and Resources
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) seeks to enhance alien access to legal representation and resources while in ICE custody.
The Attorney Information and Resources page increases and improves the accessibility of legal resources, information and programs of interest available to legal representatives or family members seeking legal resource information on behalf of detained aliens. This resource is designed to provide answers to frequently asked questions regarding legal representation and resources.
Communicating with Your Client or Prospective Client
Locating a Detained Alien — Information regarding the location of detained aliens may be accessed using the Online Detainee Locator System (ODLS). The ODLS only has information for detained aliens who are currently in ICE custody or who were released from ICE custody within the last 60 days. However, ODLS does not provide location information about everyone in ICE custody.
Safety, security and agency discretion prevent some detained aliens from appearing in the ODLS. For example, juveniles (detained aliens under the age of 18) do not appear in the system. Additionally, some aliens may not be entered into the ODLS immediately after they are detained, depending on processing and upload time.
Note: Use of the ODLS requires the detained alien's full name and A-number or date of birth and country of origin.
- If you cannot locate the detained alien using ODLS, please contact the appropriate ICE field office using the contact information below.
- If you have additional questions about the ODLS, informational brochures are available online.
Legal Mail — Legal mail includes mail to/from legal representatives, courts and embassies/consulates, government attorneys, members of Congress, as well as representatives of the news media, among others.
Legal mail must be labeled as “special correspondence” or “legal mail” and the title and office of the sender (for incoming mail) or addressee (for outgoing mail) must be clearly written on the envelope. Legal mail is forwarded to detained aliens when they are released or transferred. Legal mail is subject to limited inspection.
Some facilities may have additional protocols for receiving legal mail. Please check with the facility before sending to ensure the correspondence meets facility requirements.
Legal Visits — Legal representatives, legal assistants, and their interpreters may visit clients or prospective clients. Please note that the same rules and requirements for in-person legal visitation also apply to virtual legal visitation.
Hours — Legal visitation is permitted seven days a week (including holidays) for a minimum of eight hours a day on regular business days (Monday-Friday) and for four hours a day on weekends and holidays. To obtain the visiting hours for a specific facility use the Detention Facility Locator to locate the facility and look under the “Hours of Visitation” tab. Facilities may also consider requests for extended visits or visits outside normal hours.
Identification of the Detained Alien — Identification of a detained alien by the A-number is not required, though preferred. The facility must make a good-faith effort to identify the specific detained alien with other personal identifying information.
Documentation and Identification — A DHS Form G-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative, is required when providing legal representation to an individual in immigration removal proceedings. A DHS Form G-28 is not required for legal representatives representing detained aliens on non-immigration related legal matters or for pre-representational meetings.
- In addition to a government photo ID, legal representatives may be required to show a bar card or other documentation reflecting their status as an active legal representative — state bar card, attorney license, paralegal license, or similar legal document.
- For law students or legal assistants, a letter from the legal representative under whom they are working may also be required.
Privacy — Visits between a legal representative and a detained alien are confidential and not subject to auditory supervision. Private consultation rooms may be available for these meetings. For safety and security purposes, detained aliens are supervised within eyeshot but out of earshot during legal visitation.
Documents and Materials — Documents and materials provided to a detained alien during legal visitation shall be inspected but not read. Detained aliens may retain these materials for their personal use.
ICE Communication Services (ICS) Free Call Platform — All detained aliens have access to a free call platform that includes telephone numbers of legal service providers who are listed on the EOIR list of pro bono legal service providers.
- Free calls are also available to consular officials and various government agencies and non-governmental organizations.
- Each facility is required to post updated free call lists in all housing units.
Please refer to the ICE Communication Services page for frequently asked questions.
Legal Calls — Detained aliens are unable to receive incoming calls. To leave an urgent message for a detained alien, please see instructions on the facility’s page. In locations where tablets are in use, some detained aliens may be able to receive a non-confidential text messages from legal representatives.
- Scheduling calls or visits with your client: Some facilities may have processes in place through which legal representatives may schedule confidential communications via phone calls, video teleconference, or in-person visits with their clients and prospective clients.
- These calls and meetings are private and not subject to auditory monitoring. Please contact the specific facility for more information.
Requests for Unmonitored Calls — All calls from housing unit phones are subject to monitoring, unless otherwise stated. Each facility must have a written procedure for obtaining unmonitored legal calls. Please contact the facility for additional information.
Requesting Unmonitored Legal Calls (Talton Phone Provider Locations) — Legal service providers may request that legal phone calls and video calls from a detained alien be unmonitored and unrecorded. To register a legal service provider phone number at a specific facility location (at Talton phone provider sites only), the legal service provider can fill out the form: Adding Attorney Numbers to the Talton System (en Español). The form can then be emailed to: ICEsupport@talton.com.
- Note: This form is also available to aliens in multiple languages at ICE detention facility locations.
- For Talton Phone Provider locations, see the list in Free Minutes section below.
- For more information on Talton telecommunication services please reference their FAQ.
Cost of Detained Alien-Initiated Calls — Each facility provides detained aliens with access to reasonably priced telephone services based on federal and state regulations at rates comparable to those charged to the public.
- Please contact the facility for additional information on the procedure for adding funds to a detained alien's phone account.
- Special considerations exist for indigent detained aliens regarding access to phone calls.
Accommodations for Detained Aliens with Disabilities — Consistent with ICE detention standards, each facility is required to engage in an interactive and individualized process to consider whether a detained alien with a disability needs any accommodation to access facility programs, activities, or services, including telephone access or language interpretation services to communicate with counsel.
- Auxiliary aids and services, such TTY devices or accessible telephones, are provided to detained aliens with communication disabilities on the same terms as provided for detained aliens without any communication impairment.
Exchange of Documents
In-Person: Documents and materials provided to a detained alien during legal visitation are inspected but not read. Detained aliens may retain these materials for their personal use. Each facility’s written legal visitation procedures must include a process for the exchange documents between a detained alien and a legal representative even when contact visitation is not available.
Electronic Means: Some facilities have implemented procedures to allow electronic exchange of documents between detained aliens and legal representatives.
- Please contact the facility or visit the facility page on ICE.gov for additional information.
Virtual Attorney Visitation Program
ICE implemented Virtual Attorney Visitation in some detention facilities across the country to improve access to legal representatives.
- More information on the Virtual Attorney Visitation Program is available online.
Virtual Attorney Visitation Program Overview and FY 2023 Accomplishments Fact Sheet
Tablets at ICE facilities
Tablets are available to most detained aliens in ICE facilities, via the ICE Communications Service provider Talton Communications Inc. (Talton), or through other ICE tablet or kiosk systems provided by ICE detention contracts. More information on which facilities have tablets can be found on ICE’s Tablets page.
Communicating with ICE
Submission of Form G-28 — G-28s on behalf of aliens encountered by ICE should be submitted through ERO eFile.
E-Service of Documents with OPLA Field Offices — ICE eService is the electronic service of documents between the Office of the Principal Legal Advisor (OPLA) field locations and respondents, or their legal representatives, through a dedicated internet-based portal. ICE eService is a voluntary option for those individuals who would like to take advantage of serving documents related to an immigration court matter on an OPLA field location electronically. ICE eService is only for the electronic service of documents to an ICE OPLA field location and does not allow for the electronic filing of documents with the immigration courts or the Board of Immigration Appeals.
For technical issues with the eService portal, please email ICEeService@ice.dhs.gov.
Online Change of Address Tool — The ICE Online Change of Address form gives aliens the option to update their information online in addition to the existing options of doing so by phone or in-person. For aliens in removal proceedings pursuant to Section 240 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), the interactive online tool, upon submission of a valid mailing address, will be directed to information on how to change their address with the immigration court as required, using the Executive Office for Immigration Review’s (EOIR) Form EOIR-33, Change of Address/Contact Information, which may be submitted by mail, in-person at the immigration court, or online through EOIR’s Respondent Access. The EOIR-33 is currently available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, and Punjabi.
To determine if an alien still needs a notice to appear, ICE will run system checks to make sure the alien is not already in removal proceedings pursuant to Section 240 of the INA, does not have an affirmative asylum application pending with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and does not already have a final order of removal.
Aliens eligible for, but who have not yet received a notice to appear – meaning those who were released on conditional parole with an alternative to detention – may be prompted to state whether they want to receive their notice to appear by mail or to in person by scheduling an appointment at an ERO field office.
To process an online change-of-address, the system requires a full name, A-number and validated non-commercial address. It should take approximately one minute to complete the form. All aliens in the United States, except A and G visa holders and visa waiver visitors, must also report a change of address to USCIS within 10 days of relocating.
Obtaining Case Status Information — For information on ICE-related case matters (status of parole requests, status of travel documents, the scheduling of a credible fear or reasonable fear screening), please contact your client’s deportation officer.
- If the identity of the deportation officer is not known, contact the field office or facility to obtain that information.
- Note: A Form G-28 must be on file for any information to be disclosed.
Submission of Parole or Bond Request — For information about the method by which parole or bond requests must be submitted, please contact the relevant field office.
Posting Bonds — Bonds for detained aliens may be posted at ERO bond acceptance offices nationwide, Monday through Friday (except public holidays) between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. local time.
- A list of ERO bond acceptance offices nearest you can be found online.
- Additional information is available on each facility website.
Bond Refunds — To determine the status of your bond, please contact your local ERO office. For information regarding how to obtain a refund on a bond that has been cancelled or breached, email the Financial Operations of the Department of Homeland Security Debt Management Center at bondrefund.helpdesk@ice.dhs.gov or call 1-802-288-7600 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET and follow the prompts for bond information to speak with someone
- Please include your bond number or A-number with your request.
Other Legal Resources Available to Aliens in ICE Custody
Scheduling Calls with Clients — Some facilities may have processes in place through which legal representatives may schedule confidential communications via phone calls, video teleconference, or in-person visits with their clients or prospective clients.
- These calls and meetings are private and not subject to auditory monitoring.
- Please contact the specific facility for more information.
Law Library — Aliens in ICE detention centers have access to law libraries for at least five hours per week. These libraries often contain comprehensive legal materials (see Appendix A of PBNDS 2011 Section 6.3 for a list of required resources) and are equipped with computers, printers and photocopiers.
Detained aliens may submit written requests for legal material not available in the law library. The ICE Electronic Law Library (ELL) also includes a number of additional resources specific to immigration matters: Legal Orientation Program (LOP) materials, DHS Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL) complaint information, pro se hand-outs and other topical material, country condition reports, detention standards and policy information, Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR) and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) forms, legal service provider information from EOIR and Immigration Advocates Network (IAN), and toolkits and resources for parents or legal guardians.
- Additionally, detained aliens can electronically store legal research and documents.
Detainee Telephone System (DTS) Free Call Platform — All detained aliens have access to a free call platform that includes telephone numbers of legal service providers who are listed on the EOIR list of pro bono legal service providers.
- Free calls are also available to consular officials and various government agencies and non-governmental organizations.
- Each facility is required to post updated free call lists in all housing units.
Please refer to the ICE Communication Services page for frequently asked questions.
DOJ EOIR Legal Orientation Program
Through EOIR’s Legal Orientation Program, representatives from nonprofit organizations provide comprehensive explanations about immigration court procedures along with other basic legal information to large groups of detainees. The program normally comprises four components:
- Group Orientation: Provides an interactive general overview of immigration removal proceedings, forms of relief, and is open to general questions
- Individual Orientation: Unrepresented individuals can briefly discuss their cases with experienced LOP providers and pose more specific questions
- Pro Se Workshops: Those with potential relief or those who wish to voluntarily depart the country are provided guidance on specific topics, such as how to complete an asylum application or prepare for a bond hearing, and given self-help legal materials
- Referral to Pro Bono Services: Where available
DOJ EOIR’s National Qualified Representative Program — EOIR’s National Qualified Representative Program is a nationwide program to provide Qualified Representatives (QRs) to certain unrepresented and detained respondents who are found by an Immigration Judge or the Board of Immigration Appeals to be mentally incompetent to represent themselves in immigration proceedings.
American Bar Association Know Your Rights Materials — All detained aliens have access to American Bar Association (ABA) Know Your Rights (KYR) manuals available in all languages via the ELL. Many facilities routinely show ABA KYR videos in English, Spanish, or French, or make it available upon request.
ICE Legal Resource Flyer — The following resource fliers comply with information for hotlines, websites, reference materials for legal representation and immigration court information.
Other Legal Resources Available to Non-Detained Aliens
Non-detained aliens can visit the ICE Portal for information on their responsibilities and other resources.
Legal and Other Resources Flyer
The following resource flyer compiles information to answer the following questions: Where can I get free legal help? Where can I learn about my legal rights and immigration options? Where can I get general assistance? Where can I get help from ICE?
- Legal and Other Resources (English)
- Recursos Jurídicos y de Otro Tipo (Spanish)
- الموارد القانونية وغيرها (Arabic)
- আইনগত এবং অন্যোন্ তে সমূহ (Bengali)
- 法律和其他 资源 (Chinese)
- Ressources juridiques et autres (French)
- Resous Jiridik ak Lòt Resous (Haitian Creole)
- कानून और संसाधन (Hindi)
- Recursos Jurídicose Outros (Portuguese)
- Resurse legale și altele (Romanian)
- Юридические и другие ресурсы (Russian)
- Yasal ve Diğer Kaynaklar (Turkish)
- Huquqiy va boshqa manbalar (Uzbek)
How to Change Your Address
To change your address with ICE, use the ICE Online Change of Address form or contact the ICE Services Line at 1-888-351-4024 to connect with an operator for assistance.
For cases already filed with the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR), aliens are also required to change their address with the court by submitting a Form EOIR-33, Change of Address with EOIR.
Step-by-step instructions are also available through the following flyers:
- Information on Change of Address (English)
- Información sobre Cambio de Dirección (Spanish)
- كيف تغيّر عنوانك (Arabic)
- রকভাতব আপসন আপনার ঠিকানা পসরব্র্ত ন করলব্ন (Bengali)
- Comment Changr Votre Adresse (French)
- Kijan Pou Ou Chanje Adres Ou (Haitian Creole)
- अपना पता कै सेबदल (Hindi)
- 如何 更改您的 地址 (Mandarin)
- Como Efetuar a Sua Mudança de Endereço (Portuguese)
- Cum Să Anunțați Schimbarea Adresei (Romanian)
- Как Изменить Ваш Адрес (Russian)
- Göçmenlik ve Gümrük Muhafaza Birimine (ICE) ve Göçmenlik Inceleme Yönetim Ofisi (EOIR) Göçmenlik Mahkemesine (Turkish)
- Qanday Qilib Uy Manzilingizni O’Zgartirish (Uzbek)
National Social Service Resource Flyer
- Recursos Nacionales de Servicios Sociales (Spanish/English)
- موارد الخدمة الاجتماعية الوطنية (Arabic/English)
- জাতীয় সমাজসসবা সংস্ (Bengali/English)
- 国家社会服 务资源 (Chinese [Simplified]/English)
- Ressources du Service Social National (French/English)
- Resous Nasyonal pou Sèvis Sosyal (Haitian Creole/English)
- राष्ट्रीय समाज सेव संसाधन (Hindi/English)
- Recursos do Serviço Social Nacional (Portuguese/English)
- Resurse Naționale de Servicii Sociale (Romanian/English)
- Ресурсы национальных социальных служб (Russian/English)
- Ilaha Adeegga Bulshada Qaranka (Somali/English)
- Ulusal Sosyal Hizmet Kaynakları (Turkish/English)
- Milliy ijtimoiy xizmat resurslari (Uzbek/English)
- Nguồn hỗ trợ Dịch vụ Xã hội Quốc gia (Vietnamese/English)
List of Immigration Court Helpdesks
The Executive Office for Immigration Review’s (EOIR) Immigration Helpdesks provide pro se respondents with orientations regarding the immigration court process, help completing court documents, and assistance in finding pro bono representation. Go to EOIR's List of Immigration Court Helpdesks web page for more information.
Pursuant to Executive Order Protecting The American People Against Invasion – The White House, the Department of Justice Executive Office of Immigration Review (DOJ EOIR) has informed U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement that they are pausing all Legal Orientation Program services.
Contact Legal Access Team
Prior to contacting ICE headquarters, you must first try to resolve your request or concern at the field office level: ERO Field Offices and Outreach Email Boxes.
If you need further assistance after contacting the field, you may contact the ERO Legal Access team via the secure ERO Contact Form. Please select “Legal Access” in Type of Inquiry.
Contact Information and Additional Resources
ERO Field Offices and Outreach Email Boxes
ICE Headquarters — Prior to contacting ICE headquarters, you must first try to resolve your request or concern at the field office level: ERO Field Offices and Outreach Email Boxes.
If you need further assistance after contacting the field, you may contact the ERO Legal Access team via the secure ERO Contact Form. Please select “Legal Access” in Type of Inquiry.
Detention Reporting Information Line — The Detention Reporting and Information Line (DRIL) is a toll-free service that provides a direct channel for external stakeholders to communicate with ERO to answer questions and resolve concerns.
Stakeholders may reach the DRIL by dialing 1-888-351-4024. Live operators are available Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (ET). Language assistance, including Spanish operators, is also available.
- Detained aliens are also able to call the DRIL from facility phones using the DTS free call platform.
Legal Access-Related ICE Detention Standards — To see which set of ICE detention standards is applicable to a certain facility, please download the Facility List spreadsheet.
For specific information, please see detention standards.
- National Detention Standards (NDS) 2019
- Correspondence and Other Mail – Section 5.1
- Telephone Access – Section 5.4
- Visitation – Section 5.5
- Performance-Based National Detention Standards (PBNDS) 2011 (revised 2016)
- Correspondence and Other Mail – Section 5.1
- Telephone Access – Section 5.6
- Visitation – Section 5.7
- Law Libraries and Legal Materials – Section 6.3
- PBNDS 2008
- Correspondence and Other Mail – Section 5.26
- Telephone Access – Section 5.31
- Visitation – Section 5.32
- Law Libraries and Legal Material – Section 6.36
Department of Justice Executive Office for Immigration Review
- Immigration Court — For information about a matter before the immigration court, please call 1-800-898-7180. Applications for relief from removal and other forms or documents requested by the immigration judge must be filed directly with the immigration court.
- EOIR’s Automated Case Information Application — Allows users to receive the latest information about a case after inputting a unique alien registration number. Available information includes next scheduled hearings, decision information at the immigration court and Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) levels, and court and BIA contact information. Immigration courts’ operating statuses are also included.
- List of Pro Bono Legal Service Providers — To be included on the List of Pro Bono Legal Service Providers, please see the EOIR website for more information on eligibility and procedure. You may also download the application (Form EOIR-56) from the EOIR website.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services — For information on matters before U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) — including Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, Status of a U or T Visa application, etc. — contact the local field office.
- If there is no response, call the USCIS Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283.
- If problems continue, contact the USCIS Ombudsman.
ICE posts all relevant case information on their Legal Notices webpage.