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Cumberland County Jail

Boston Field Office

Contacting a Detainee
Contacting a Detainee

If you need information about a detainee that is housed at this facility, you may call (207) 774-5939 between the hours of 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. When you call, please have the individual’s biographical information ready, including first, last and hyphenated names, any aliases he or she may use, date of birth.

Detainees cannot receive incoming calls. If you need to get in touch with a detainee to leave an urgent message, you must call (207) 774-5939 and tell us the detainee’s full name, Date of Birth and what the emergency is. Your name and telephone number where you can be reached. The detainee will be given your message.

Legal & Case Information
Legal & Case Information

Immigration Court

For information about a matter before the immigration court, you may call 1-800-898-7180 to speak with them directly. Applications for relief from removal and other applications requested by the immigration judge must be filed directly with the immigration court.

Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA)

For information about a matter before the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), you may call (703) 605-1007 where you can obtain automated information or speak with a live representative during office hours.

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To Post a Delivery Bond

Delivery bonds are posted when a person has been taken into ICE custody and placed into removal proceedings while in the United States.

Post a Bond

Sending Non-Confidential Messages to Detained Aliens

This facility does not have the ability to send non-confidential messages electronically, please see the Contacting a Detainee section.

Other Legal Access Related Communications

Requests for case information pertaining to aliens detained at the Plymouth County Correctional Facility be sent to Please note that this mailbox does not accept applications for Stay of Removal or Case Appeals.

Contacting the Deportation Officer

To ascertain the identity of your client’s Deportation Officer, contact the Boston Field Office to obtain that information at (781) 359-7660. Please note that a G-28 must be on file for any information disclosed.

Submitting a G-28

G-28s filed on behalf of detained aliens at this facility can now be accepted through the online platform ERO eFile. Facility staff will not have access to ERO eFile at this time; legal representatives should download copies of their submitted G-28 for any in-person or remote legal visit.

Hours of Visitation
Hours of Visitation

Family and Friends Visits

Family and Friend visits requests are accepted

Mondays, Tuesdays and until 12 p.m. on Wednesdays.

Visiting Inmates at the Cumberland County Jail will take place at the Jail (50 County Way). All visits are pre-scheduled, with no walk-ins. One Visitor per inmate plus 1 child allowed.

Inmate Visit Requests: requests are made via an online form. Visit requests will only be accepted on Mondays, and Tuesdays and until 12 p.m. on Wednesdays. You should receive a confirmation by the close of business on Thursday. If you have issues or questions please email us at Provide Full Name (First, Middle, and Last) with Date of Birth and a callback number, drivers or state identification number.

General Visitor Guidelines

Jail: All Visitors are required to arrive 15 minutes prior to the scheduled visit time with a valid photo ID. All Juveniles must be accompanied by a legal guardian. The legal guardian is required to provide a valid birth certificate for the juvenile that is accompanying them. Please read the full list of rules by clicking here.

Visitors are required to read, and abide by the "Rules for Visitors". Visitors are expected to understand the rules and are to ask any questions prior to entering the secured area of the jail. Those not abiding by the rules may be promptly removed.

Former Inmates (of any correctional facility)/ Felons: If you have been incarcerated within the last 12 months, you are not eligible to visit an inmate at the Cumberland County Jail.

If you have been incarcerated in the past (more than 12 months ago), or are a convicted felon, consideration will be given to you in regards to visiting an inmate at the Cumberland County Jail. Complete Form F-154 A "Former Inmate/Felony Conviction Form Requesting to Visit (PDF) ". Once completed, please send to Lt. Mowatt.

Please allow two weeks for processing. The Cumberland County Jail reserves the right to refuse any potential visitor that is deemed to be a potential danger to the facility, or persons inside.

All visitors are subject to search.

To schedule a visit please go to Cumberland County Jail's Inmate Visitation Request Form.

Sending Items to Detainees
Sending Items to Detainees

Mailing Address:

Inmate's Name
C/O Cumberland County Jail
50 County Way
Portland, ME 04102

Inmates are not allowed to accept cash.

Mail Policy:

  • Inmates of the Cumberland County Jail are permitted to communicate or correspond with persons or organizations, subject to the limitations necessary to maintain order and security. This policy will ensure that inmates maintain important ties with their families, friends, attorneys, officials and the community.
  • Excluding weekends and holidays, or emergency situations, incoming and outgoing letters are held for no more than 24 hours and packages are held no more than 48 hours.
  • Inmate mail will be opened and inspected for contraband.
  • For security reasons the Cumberland County Jail does not allow either incoming or outgoing mail coming from or going to any person incarcerated in a juvenile or adult detention or correctional facility.
  • Mail received for inmates who are no longer at this facility, either by release or transfer, will be marked "return to sender" and returned to the postal service with the next business day's mail.
  • Incoming inmate mail will be inspected for the purpose of intercepting contraband, and money orders. day's outgoing mail. Incoming mail from attorneys, courts, or government officials and representatives will be opened to inspect for contraband and in the presence of the inmate.
  • All incoming mail must be sent to the facility in white legal size envelopes, including post cards (i.e. birthday/holiday). This assists in drug detection through the incoming mail. Incoming legal mail will be exempt from the white envelope rule. Any mail that does not fall within the guidelines will be returned to sender. Listed below are reasons for items to be refused, disposed of or returned to sender:
    • Any non paper items
    • Anything gang related (photos, colors, writing symbols, or hand gestures)
    • Blank paper, cards, or stamps
    • Cards larger than 5 inches by 7 inches
    • Cash, personal checks, second party checks
    • Colored envelopes (except legal mail)
    • Colored pencil(s), markers, crayons, paint, watercolors or wax on any part of the envelope
    • Correction tape/fluid
    • Correspondence in code
    • Drugs
    • Food items or cosmetic items
    • Foreign unidentified substances
    • Home made cards or poster cards
    • Identification cards or facsimiles
    • Incomplete return address
    • Instant camera photos (i.e. Polaroids)
    • Items having suspicious stains or markings
    • Lottery tickets or prepaid phone cards
    • Magazine or newspaper clippings
    • Magazines, books, newspapers NOT from the publisher
    • Mail from other penal institutions
    • Mail that violates a not-contact order, PFA, or other court order
    • Musical or recordable cards
    • No inmate name
    • Padded envelopes
    • Paperclips or staples
    • Photos larger than 4" X 6"
    • Pictures or drawings of nude, obscene, or sexually explicit material
    • Plastics or anything laminated or made of cardboard
    • Rubber inked stamps
    • Stickers of any kind (including return address labels)
    • Tape
    • Two-ply cards
    • Magazines, books, and newspapers will only be allowed in from the publisher, and or - not an outside source. Inmates are limited to two magazine subscriptions.

A detainee may receive items that are determined to be of necessity for the sole purpose of travel or release from agency custody with approval of the ICE Deportation Officer.

Property drop off can be done at the below address Monday – Friday 8 a.m. through 2 p.m.:

1000 District Avenue
Burlington, MA 01803

Note that detainees being removed from the United States are allowed one small piece of luggage. If a detainee does not have such baggage, such luggage can be sent/delivered after receiving approval from Supervisory Deportation Officer. Please be advised that for security reasons, no electronic devices (cell phones, electric razors, laptop computers, radios, etc.) will be accepted.

Press & Media
Press & Media

The facility has a responsibility to protect the privacy and other rights of detainees and members of the staff. Therefore, interviews will be regulated to ensure the orderly and safe operation of the facility. Ordinarily, live television or radio interviews will not be permitted in the facility. For media inquiries about ICE activities, operations, or policies, contact the ICE Office of Public Affairs at

Personal Interviews

A news media representative who desires to conduct an interview with a detainee must apply in writing to the Atlanta Field Office, Office of Enforcement and Removal Operations, indicating familiarity with and agreement to comply with the rules and regulations of the facility as provided to that person by staff.

Detainee Consent

A detainee has the right not to be interviewed, photographed, or recorded by the media. Before interviewing, photographing, or recording the voice of a detainee, a visiting representative of the media must obtain written permission from that individual.


All FOIA and Privacy Act requests must be submitted on form G-639 (Freedom of Information / Privacy Act Request) or in letter format. All requests must contain the original, notarized signature of the subject in question. Please complete the form G-639 thoroughly and if writing a letter, be sure to include the full name, any other names used, date of birth, place of birth, A-number of the alien you are seeking information about, as well as your full name, address, and telephone number, so that we may contact you if we have any questions.

Mail your FOIA or Privacy Act request to:

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Freedom of Information Act Office
800 North Capitol Street, NW, Room 585
Washington, D.C. 20536

Phone – 1 (866) 633-1182

Email –

Feedback or Complaints
Feedback or Complaints

We strive to provide quality service to people in our custody, their family, friends, and to their official representatives. If you believe that we have not lived up to this commitment, we would like to know. If we have met or exceeded your expectations, please let us know that as well.

To comment on the services provided at this office, please write to:

Field Office Director, Enforcement and Removal Operations
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
1000 District Avenue
Burlington, MA 01803

If you feel that an ICE employee or contract services employee mistreated you and wish to make a complaint of misconduct, you may:

Contact the Field Office Director at:

Field Office Director, Enforcement and Removal Operations
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
1000 District Avenue
Burlington, MA 01803
(781) 359-7500

Write the Office of Professional Responsibility:

Director, Office of Professional Responsibility
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
500 12th Street, SW Suite 1049
Mailstop 5099
Washington, DC 20536-5005

Contact the ICE OPR Integrity Coordination Center (ICC):


You may also contact the Department of Homeland Security, Office of Inspector General:

DHS Office of Inspector General
Attn: Office of Investigations - Hotline
245 Murray Drive, Building 410 Stop: 2600
Washington, DC 20528
Call: 1-800-323-8603
Fax: (202) 254-4292

50 County Way
Portland, ME 04102
United States
(207) 774-5939
