ICE: Authorizing Collection of the Fee Levied on F, J and M Nonimmigrant Classifications Under Public Law 104-208; SEVIS |
Final Rule |
07/01/2004 |
69 FR 39814 |
ICE: Notice of Information Collection Under Review: Exemption from NSEERS Registration Requirements |
Notice |
06/03/2004 |
69 FR 31399 |
ICE: 30-Day Notice of Information Collection Under Review: Nonimmigrant Checkout Letter; Form G-146 |
Notice |
02/09/2004 |
69 FR 5998 |
ICE: 30-Day Notice of Information Collection Under Review: The Student and Exchange Visitor Information Systems (SEVIS) |
Notice |
02/04/2004 |
69 FR 5367 |
ICE: Notice of Information Collection Under Review: Arrival Record, Form I-94AOT |
Notice |
12/15/2003 |
68 FR 71119 |
ICE: Notice of Information Collection Under Review: Alternative Inspection Services, Forms I-823 and I-823F |
Notice |
12/15/2003 |
68 FR 69713 |
ICE: Suspending the 30-Day and Annual Interview Requirements From the Special Registration Process for Certain Nonimmigrants |
Interim Rule |
12/02/2003 |
68 FR 67578 |
ICE: Notice of Information Collection Under Review: Memorandum of Understanding to Participate in an Employment Eligibility Confirmation Pilot Program |
Notice |
12/02/2003 |
68 FR 67464 |
ICE: Notice of Information Collection Under Review: Nonimmigrant Checkout Letter, Form G-146 |
Notice |
11/28/2003 |
68 FR 66846 |
ICE: Notice of Information Collection Under Review: Exemption from NSEERS Registration Requirements |
Notice |
11/28/2003 |
68 FR 66846 |
ICE: Notice of Information Collection Under Review: Immigration Bond, Form I-352 |
Notice |
11/04/2003 |
68 FR 62471 |
ICE: Notice of Information Collection under Review: Alternative Inspection Services and FAST Commercial Driver Application, Forms I-823 and 823F |
Notice |
10/02/2003 |
68 FR 56848 |
ICE: Notice of Information Collection Under Review: Application for USAccess, Form I-923 |
Notice |
09/30/2003 |
68 FR 56302 |
ICE: Notice of Information Collection Under Review: Inspection of Persons Applying for Admission, Transit Without Visa (TWOV) and International-to-International Agreements |
Notice |
09/25/2003 |
68 FR 55408 |
ICE: Notice of Information Collection Under Review: Arrival Record, Form I-94AOT |
Notice |
09/25/2003 |
68 FR 55408 |
ICE: Notice of Information Collection Under Review: Application-Checkpoint Pre-enrolled Access Lane, Form I-866 |
Notice |
09/25/2003 |
68 FR 55407 |
ICE: Notice of Information Collection Under Review: Memorandum of Understanding to Participate in an Employment Eligibility Confirmation Pilot Program |
Notice |
09/19/2003 |
68 FR 54912 |
ICE: Notice of Information Collection Under Review: Application - Alternative Inspection Services, Form I-823 |
Notice |
06/04/2003 |
68 FR 33519 |
ICE: Notice of Information Collection Under Review: Biographical information/program eligibility questionnaire and practitioner fraud pilot program initial interview form, Forms I-908 and I-909 |
Notice |
04/01/2003 |
68 FR 15736 |
Authorizing Suspension of Applicability of Employment Authorization Requirements in Emergent Circumstances for Certain F-1 Students |
Interim Rule |
06/10/1998 |
8 CFR 214 |
Employment Authorization for Certain F–1 Nonimmigrant Students Whose Means of Financial Support Comes From Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, or the Philippines |
Notice |
06/10/1998 |
63 FR 31874 |