Management and Administration
Management and Administration (M&A) coordinates and implements ICE administrative and managerial functions to support and advance every aspect of the ICE mission. With federal law and policy, we provide the ICE front line with the critical support it needs to protect our country from the transnational crime and illegal immigration that threaten national security and public safety.
Office of Human Capital (OHC)
Positions ICE for the successful completion of its mission by recruiting and hiring high-performing talent and by delivering human capital programs that support employee engagement and wellness.
Office of Acquisition Management (OAQ)
Partners with internal and external organizations to deliver quality acquisition solutions and serves as a strategic asset dedicated to improving overall business performance in support of the ICE mission.
Office of Asset and Facilities Management (OAFM)
Charged with maximizing the functional and financial value of capital assets and facilities through cost-effective life-cycle management.
Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)
Delivers innovative information technology and business solutions that enable ICE to protect and secure our nation.
Office of Leadership and Career Development (OLCD)
Delivers quality training and professional development opportunities that build on and enhance employee knowledge, skills and abilities, preparing them to perform their duties at the highest level.
Office of Information Governance and Privacy (IGP)
Oversees the management, sharing, protection and disclosure of ICE data and information in accordance with law, policy and standards. IGP implements the Freedom of Information Act and collaborates with ICE and DHS partners to build privacy protections into ICE programs and systems, oversee records management practices and develop data governance solutions.
Office of Investment and Program Accountability (OIPA)
Develops, implements and oversees ICE acquisition management processes, policies and procedures, and coordinates across DHS to support and align acquisition program execution activities and oversight.
Executive Associate Director, Management and Administration