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Budget - Fiscal Year 2006

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), established in 2003, is the largest investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), with a mission to protect America and uphold public safety. We fulfill this mission by identifying criminal activities and eliminating vulnerabilities that pose a threat to our nation’s borders, as well as enforcing economic, transportation and infrastructure security.
($ in thousands)

Salaries & ExpensesEnactedRescissionKatrina Suppl.Suppl.Enacted & Suppl.
Hdqtrs Management & Administration:
Chief Financial Officer/Office of Assist. Sec.
Professional Responsibility39,549(395)-3,20042,354
Information Technology133,104(1,331)6,00024,510162,283
Total HQ M&A256,704(2,567)6,41932,010292,566
Legal Proceedings:130,181(1,302)--128,879


Enforces federal statutes within the U.S. and coordinates and supports all international ICE investigative activities involving national and visa security, illegal arms exports, financial and smuggling violations, immigration and customs fraud, human trafficking, identity and benefit fraud, child pornography and sex tourism.

Salaries & ExpensesEnactedRescissionKatrina Suppl.Suppl.Enacted & Suppl.
Total Investigations1,296,968(12,970)2,25412,0901,298,342


Responsible for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of strategic and tactical intelligence data in support of ICE and DHS.

EnactedRescissionKatrina Suppl.Suppl.Enacted & Suppl.

Detention and Removal Operations

Tasked with ensuring that every alien who has been ordered removed departs the U.S. through fair enforcement of the nation’s immigration laws and coordination with foreign governments to ensure countries will accept removable aliens.

Salaries & ExpensesEnactedRescissionKatrina Suppl.Suppl.Enacted & Suppl.
Custody Operations1,013,329(10,133)2,531155,9001,161,627
Fugitive Operations Institutional Removal102,881(1,029)-20,000121,852
Alternatives to Detention28,497(285)-10,00038,212
Transportation& Removal Program135,000(1,350)-97,000230,650
Total Detention and Removal Operations1,373,676(13,737)2,531282,9001,645,370


Salaries & ExpensesEnactedRescissionKatrina Suppl.Suppl.Enacted & Suppl.
Total Salaries and Expenses3,108,499(31,085)13,000327,0003,417,414

Federal Protective Service

Responsible for ensuring a safe environment in which federal agencies can conduct business by reducing threats posed against approximately 9,000 federal government facilities nationwide.

Salaries & ExpensesEnactedRescissionKatrina Suppl.Suppl.Enacted & Suppl.
FPS – Basic Security109,235   109,235
FPS - Bldg Specific Security377,765   377,765
Total FPS487,000   487,000
Immigration Inspection User Fees100,000   100,000
Breached Bond Detention Fund87,000   87,000
Student & Exchange Visitor Program49,000   49,000
Total, ICE3,898,195(31,752)13,000327,0004,206,443

FY 2006 Enhancements (Actual): ($ in thousands)

Visa Security Program Expansion$5,000 5 FTEFunding supported one additional Visa Security Unit (VSU). The VSU staff stationed at overseas posts, including Saudi Arabia, will work cooperatively with U.S. consular officials to promote homeland security in the visa process.
Temporary Worker Worksite Enforcement$10,000 51 FTEAs part of the President’s Temporary Worker Program, in which willing foreign workers will work for willing U.S. employers, enforcement of immigration laws against companies that break the law and hire illegal workers will increase. ICE officers will conduct employer audits, investigate possible violations, and prepare criminal employer case presentations.
Interagency Crime and Drug Enforcement (ICDE) Activities$43,678 346 FTEICDE activities currently funded through reimbursements from the Department of Justice were funded by direct appropriation to ICE starting in 2006.
Custody Management/Bedspace$104,000 104 FTEApprehensions made by the fugitive operations teams each require a detention bed, on average for about 40 days. The resources will support needs of the 30 fugitive operations teams first funded in FY 2005. This has a direct effect on public safety and national security.
Alternatives to Detention$15,400 32 FTEICE’s Intensive Supervision Appearance Program (ISAP) is a community-based case management program that provides close supervision of illegal aliens emphasizing compliance with Immigration Court requirements. It puts low-risk aliens under intensive supervision, rather than detention.
Fugitive Operations$24,880 30 FTEThe resources strengthened the Fugitive Operation Division by providing an expanded capability to identify, locate, and apprehend fugitive aliens for removal from the United States.
Institutional Removal Program$23,355 69 FTEResources provided for staff to be placed strategically throughout the various federal, state, and local prison systems within the United States to substantially improve the identification of removable aliens who are serving criminal sentences.
Enhanced Border Control/Interior Repatriation$39,349 0 FTEFunding was used to return Mexican nationals who illegally enter the United States to their hometowns in the interior of Mexico on a voluntary basis.
Legal Proceedings$3,500 24 FTEResources provided for additional attorneys and support staff required to increase the ability of ICE legal program to complete matters in Immigration Court and help reduce the gap with backlogged matters per year.