U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is the largest investigative agency in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). With more than 20,000 employees worldwide, ICE is a key component of the DHS layered defense approach to protecting the United States. ICE has requested an annual budget of more than $5.8 billion for FY 2012, with budget figures in key categories detailed below.
Salaries and Expenses
Homeland Security Investigations
ICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) enforces trade and immigration laws through the investigation of activities, persons and events that may pose a threat to the safety or security of the United States and its citizens.
HSI's Domestic Investigations investigates illegal trafficking in weapons (including weapons of mass destruction), the smuggling of narcotics and other contraband, human smuggling and trafficking, money laundering and other financial crimes, fraudulent trade practices, identity and benefit fraud, child pornography, child sex tourism, employers that hire illegal and undocumented workers, and health and public safety dangers.
HSI's Office of International Investigations conducts investigative efforts in 69 Attaché offices in 47 foreign locations. The office works with foreign counterparts to identify and combat criminal organizations before they can adversely impact the United States, including the Visa Security Program, which focuses on high-risk visa-issuance locations to identify and interdict potential threats before they enter the United States.
HSI's Office of Intelligence collects, analyzes and distributes information on critical homeland security vulnerabilities that could be exploited by terrorist and criminal organizations. The office uses data and information on the movement of people, money and materials into, within and out of the United States to provide accurate and timely reporting to ICE leadership and field agents.
Description | Amount |
Domestic Investigations | $1.71 billion |
International Investigations | $114.9 million |
Visa Security Program | $29.5 million |
HSI Intelligence | $81.5 million |
Total HSI | $1.94 billion |
Enforcement and Removal Operations
ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) is responsible for ensuring that every alien who has been ordered removed departs the United States through fair enforcement of the nation's immigration laws. ERO also coordinates with foreign governments to ensure destination countries will accept aliens removed from the United States.
Secure Communities/Comprehensive Identification and Removal of Criminal Aliens (SC/CIRCA) uses technology to share information between law enforcement agencies and by applying risk-based methodologies to focus resources on assisting all local communities in the removal of those criminal aliens representing the greatest threat to community safety.
Description | Amount |
Custody Operations | $2.02 billion |
Fugitive Operations | $154.6 million |
Criminal Alien Program | $196.7 million |
Alternatives to Detention | $72.4 million |
Transportation and Removal Program | $276.6 million |
SC/Identification and Removal of Criminal Aliens | $184.1 million |
Total ERO | $2.9 billion |
Headquarters Management & Administration (HQ M&A)
ICE Management and Administration (M&A) resources provide for top-level agency-wide management in the following Offices: the Office of the Director; State, Local, and Tribal Coordination (OSLTC); the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO); the Chief Information Officer (OCIO); Acquisition Management (OAQ); and Professional Responsibility (OPR). The M&A activities include executive and overall leadership direction, strategic planning, policy development, and administrative support for the human, financial, information and physical resources required to facilitate the operational capabilities of a productive ICE workforce.
The Office of the Principal Legal Advisor (OPLA) provides the legal advice, training and services required to support the ICE mission. OPLA attorneys handle a variety of immigration-related issues that range from contested removals to custody determinations to applications for administrative relief, as well as legal advice in customs-related enforcement actions and matters involving commercial and administrative law.
Description | Amount |
CFO/OAS/OAQ/OPR | $237.8 million |
CIO (excluding Automation Modernization) | $194.7 million |
OPLA | $215.9 million |
Total HQ M&A | $648.4 million |
Total Salaries and Expenses
Description | Amount |
Total Salaries and Expenses | $5.5 billion |
The Automation Modernization Program allows ICE to improve information sharing with DHS and other partner organizations. The Automation Modernization Program strengthens information availability, improves detainee tracking and preparation of travel documents, provides a fully secure information technology (IT) environment, and enhances financial management and audit practices. The FY12 request includes funds for the ICE ERO Modernization and TECS Modernization projects.
Description | Amount |
Total Automation | $13.9 million |
Immigration Inspection User Fee
The ICE immigration user fee account is a repository for fees collected from passengers arriving on commercial aircraft and vessels at U.S. air and sea ports of entry. These fees are used to recover costs of ICE operations to deter, detect, detain, adjudicate and remove passengers who are inadmissible to the U.S. under the Immigration and Nationality Act or who attempt to avoid immigration inspection at air and sea ports of entry and enter the United States unlawfully. Most ICE programs receive some user fees.
Description | Amount |
Total Immigration Inspection User Fee | $116.9 million |
Breached Bond Detention Fund
Amounts deposited into the Breached Bond Detention Fund are used by ICE ERO for expenses incurred in the collection of breached bonds, bond management, litigation activities to obtain compliance from surety companies found to be delinquent in meeting their obligations, and for expenses associated with the detention of criminal and illegal aliens. Monies deposited in the fund are used for detention beds and related costs such as healthcare and compliance oversight.
Description | Amount |
Total Breached Bond Detention Fund | $75.0 million |
Student and Exchange Visitor Program
The Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) enhances national security by collecting, maintaining and providing reliable information on foreign students, exchange visitors, and the schools and exchange programs that host them. SEVP is also an enforcement tool, through the HSI Compliance Enforcement Unit, to assist in keeping our nation safe while facilitating the participation of students and exchange visitors in U.S. academic programs.
Description | Amount |
Total Student and Exchange Visitor Program | $120.0 million |
Total ICE Enacted Budget
Description | Amount |
Total ICE Enacted Budget | $5.82 billion |