United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), established in 2003, is the largest investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), with a mission to protect America and uphold public safety. We fulfill this mission by identifying criminal activities and eliminating vulnerabilities that pose a threat to our nation’s borders, as well as enforcing economic, transportation and infrastructure security.
Fiscal Year 2007
Salaries & Expenses ($ in thousands) | Enacted |
Hdqtrs Management & Administration: Chief Financial Officer/Office of Assist. Sec. | 95,106 |
Professional Responsibility | 44,894 |
Information Technology | 134,013 |
Total HQ M&A | 274,013 |
| |
Legal Proceedings: | 187,353 |
Investigations - enforces federal statutes within the U.S. and coordinates and supports all international ICE investigative activities involving national and visa security, illegal arms exports, financial and smuggling violations, immigration and customs fraud, human trafficking, identity and benefit fraud, child pornography and sex tourism.
Salaries & Expenses ($ in thousands) | Enacted |
Domestic | 1,285,229 |
International | 104,681 |
Total Investigations | 1,389,910 |
Intelligence - responsible for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of strategic and tactical intelligence data in support of ICE and DHS.
Salaries & Expenses ($ in thousands) | Enacted |
Intelligence | 51,379 |
Detention and Removal Operations - tasked with ensuring that every alien who has been ordered removed departs the U.S. through fair enforcement of the nation’s immigration laws and coordination with foreign governments to ensure countries will accept removable aliens.
Salaries & Expenses ($ in thousands) | Enacted |
Custody Operations | 1,381,767 |
Fugitive Operations | 183,200 |
Institutional Removal Program | 137,494 |
Alternatives to Detention | 43,600 |
Transportation and Removal Program | 238,284 |
Total Detention and Removal Operations | 1,984,345 |
| |
Total Salaries and Expenses | 3,887,000 |
Automation | 15,000 |
Construction | 56,281 |
Federal Protective Service - responsible for ensuring a safe environment in which federal agencies can conduct business by reducing threats posed against approximately 9,000 federal government facilities nationwide.
Salaries & Expenses ($ in thousands) | Enacted |
FPS – Basic Security | 123,310 |
FPS - Building Specific Security | 392,701 |
Total FPS | 516,011 |
| |
Immigration Inspection User Fees | 108,000 |
Breached Bond Detention Fund | 90,000 |
Student and Exchange Visitor Program | 54,349 |
| |
Total, ICE | 4,726,641 |
FY 2007 Enhancements (Actual): ($ in thousands)
- Custody Management ($241,000 280 FTE) –An estimated 6,700 additional beds would be brought on line to process an additional 100,000 apprehended aliens. Additional positions are funded to support the entire detention and removal process.
- Transportation and Removal ($94,100) – Funding would cover costs associated with the expansion of expedited removal procedures.
- Legal Proceedings ………………………………………………………$38,500 128 FTE
Resources would support hiring new attorneys to address legal issues associated with the projected 100,000 new aliens to be detained in bed space. - Fugitive Operations ...................................................................................$76,000 117 FTE
Resources would support new fugitive operations teams, increasing the total number of teams. Funding will also support positions needed for fugitive case management support, transportation and custody, and case file flow.
Other programs seeking enhancements in support of the Secure Border Initiative are: - Compliance.................................................................................................$10,017 27 FTE
Resources support a significant expansion of the Compliance Enforcement Unit (CEU), a critical component of ICE investigative support that looks into potential immigration violations. - Worksite Enforcement ..............................................................................$30,000 69 FTE
Resources would expand ICE’s Worksite Enforcement Program through additional agents and support personnel, operational enforcement initiatives, and expanded employer outreach. The funding provides for additional agents and support personnel to facilitate the investigation and prosecution of employers who violate worksite immigration laws. - State and Local ..........................................................................................$4,326 33 FTE
Resources expand support for two key ICE state and local law enforcement support programs – the 287(g) program and the Law Enforcement Support Center (LESC). Funding for the 287(g) program will be used for training expenses for state and local law enforcement personnel. Funding for the LESC will be used for additional law enforcement officers to ensure adequate response times in assisting state and local law enforcement on immigration inquires.
Other programs seeking enhancements to support effective ICE operations are: - Internal Controls/Financial Audit ...........................................................$1,000 4 FTE
Resources would provide ICE with improved capability to undertake the new audit of internal control requirements mandated in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Financial Accountability Act (P.L. 108-330), and improve the management of financial resources overall. - Procurement...............................................................................................$3,600 16 FTE
Each year, ICE procurement acquisition operations total $1.9 billion. Resources would expand the ability of ICE to effectively manage procurement operations through new positions. Additional positions are consistent with recent recommendations of the General Accountability Office which found that ICE and other DHS components need to increase procurement management capacity.