Friends and Family Visits
Currently there are no contact or social video visit for family & friends due to the pandemic. See the schedules below for pre-pandemic hours.
Video Visitation seven days a week
Time | A060 | C1 | D | E | F063 | J060 | N060 | Q | R | T | V |
8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. | | C | D | E | F | G | M | Q | | | |
1 p.m. - 3 p.m. | B | C | D | E | Med | H | L | | R | T | |
5 p.m. - 7 p.m. | A | | D | E | J | K | N/P | | | | V |
Contact Visitation Schedule and Procedures (ICE Only)
Time | Saturday | Sunday |
7 a.m. - 8 a.m. | Medical | D |
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. | M | N |
10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. | J | p |
12 p.m. - 1 p.m. | K | L |
1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. | C-1 | |
3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. | A | C-2 |
4:45 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. | G | F |
6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. | E | H |
Attorney Visits
Legal representatives of detainees are authorized to visit their clients during the following hours:
Monday – Sunday from 8:15 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
A list of pro bono (free) legal organizations will be posted in all detainee housing units and other appropriate areas. This list shall be updated quarterly. If a detainee wishes to see a representative or paralegal from that organization, it is the detainee’s responsibility to contact them for an appointment.
Legal Representative Video Teleconferencing | Virtual Attorney Visitation
Legal representatives may request Virtual Attorney Visitation (VAV) meetings or confidential legal phone calls with their clients or prospective clients by emailing: Otay Mesa Detention Center facility staff will email back with a confirmed date and time.
The email should include:
- Legal representative’s full name
- Legal representative’s contact information, including phone number(s), and email address.
- Detainee’s name
- Detainee’s alien number (optional but preferred)
- A few proposed times/dates for the requested virtual legal visit
- A scan of the legal representative’s government issued identification
- A scan of the legal representative’s identification or documentation reflecting their status as an active legal representative, such as a state bar card, attorney license, paralegal license, or similar legal status.
- A scan of the attorney’s DHS Form G-28 (unless this is a pre-representational)
- If a legal assistant is the only legal representative to join the call, the email should also attach a letter of authorization on the firm’s/organization’s letterhead and a scan of the assistant’s identification.
Legal representatives may also schedule virtual legal visits by dialing (619) 671-8724.
All appointments for virtual legal visits should be made 24 hours prior to the desired appointment time. Appointments are scheduled from 8:15 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. daily (excluding holidays) and are in 30 to 60-minute increments. Legal representatives are not limited on the number of VTC appointments they can request, but no legal representative is permitted more than one 60-minute appointment with a detainee in a single day.
The same guidelines for in-person attorney/client visits will apply to virtual legal visits. Only legal representatives, legal assistants, and interpreters will be allowed; no family or friends of the clients are permitted. The attorney and/or his/her agents may contact outside interpretation services during the call or session. The sessions will be confidential; a visitation officer will be stationed outside of the confidential room to ensure security by standing out of earshot but within eyeshot. The officer will knock 5 minutes before the cut off time.
Please be advised that attorneys and their staff are not permitted to video or audio record during any virtual or on-site visit with detainees at the facility. Any violation of this rule may result in suspension or a permanent revocation of VAV user privileges.
Electronic Exchange of Legal Documentation
When timely communication through the mail is not possible, the facility administrator may, in his discretion, allow for a reasonable amount of electronic written communication by means between the detained alien and their designated legal representative.
Faxes/Emails Sent by Legal Representatives to the Attention of Detained Aliens
Legal representatives can send legal correspondence a Legal Representatives should make clear in the subject line that it is legal correspondence/mail and include as an attachment the specific documents/forms that the legal representative wants the facility to deliver to the detained alien. Within the email the legal representative should include the following information and a cover sheet for the attachment that includes the:
- Alien full name
- A-Number
- Sender’s return fax number
- Total number of pages sent
- Notate the correspondence is “Legal Mail”
The documents will be inspected for contraband, but not read. The legal mail will be delivered to the detainee. All legal electronic communication requests will be processed daily from 8:15 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. daily excluding holidays.
Consular Visits
Consular officials may meet with their detained nationals at any time. It is requested that prior arrangements be made with the ICE Supervisory Deportation Officer to the extent possible, and that consular officials bring appropriate credentials when they come to the facility. The ICE Supervisory Deportation Officer for this facility can be reached at Otay Mesa Detention Center Duty line (619) 661-3823.
Clergy Visits
Clergy may visit detainees at any time but must make prior arrangements with the Chaplain’s Office.
Visiting Restrictions
- All family or other social visits are non-contact.
- No firearms or weapons of any kind are permitted in the facility.
- If visitors are or appear to be intoxicated, visitation will not be allowed.
- All visitors are subject to search while in the facility.
- Visitors are not allowed to pass or attempt to pass any items to detainees.
- Visitors are not allowed to carry any items into the visitation area.
Search Procedures (prior to or during all visitations)
All individuals requesting admittance to the facility, or the visitation area are subject to a pat-down search of their person, an inspection of their belongings, and a metal scan search. Individuals refusing to cooperate with a reasonable search will not be admitted. No firearms or weapons of any kind are permitted. No electronic devices (cell phones, pagers, radios, etc.) are permitted in the secure areas of this facility.